Microsoft Dynamics CRM Type Provider preview
Are you tired of generating strongly typed classes with millions of lines of C# using crmsvcutil.exe that often crashes? Fed up with having to re-generate the classes every time something in the schema changes? Feeling restricted by the LINQ provider's limitations? Ever wonder why you should need to know what attribute joins to what in your relationships to perform your joins? F# to the rescue!
I am working on a F# type provider than aims to solve a lot of these pains, and more besides! This is just a sneak preview with what is to come, I have not released any of this yet. First, here is an example of a rather silly but fairly complex query using the new type provider and the F# query syntax :
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type XRM = Common.XRM.TypeProvider.XrmDataProvider<"http://something/Organization.svc">
let dc = XRM.GetDataContext()
type TestRecord =
{ x : string;
y : int }
let test = { x = "John%"; y = 42 }
let q =
query { for s in dc.new_squirrel do
where (s.new_name <>% test.x || s.new_age = test.y)
for f in s.``N:1 <- new_new_forest_new_squirrel`` do
for o in f.``N:1 <- owner_new_forest`` do
where (s.new_colour |=| [|"Pink";"Red"|])
where (f.new_name = "Sherwood")
where ( = "PEZI THE OWNER!")
select (s, f.new_name, f, o) }